What happens to your videos after your trial is over

Can people watch my videos after my trial is over?

Any videos that you publish during the free trial period will continue be hosted by Biteable and viewable after your trial is complete.

How long will Biteable host published videos after my trial is over? How long are my videos visible after my trial?

We will continue to host videos so they are viewable from their Watch page for up to three months. After three months, we reserve the right to remove videos created by non-paying accounts. To ensure your videos are viewable beyond this time, we recommend upgrading to a Biteable Pro or Biteable Premium plan.

What can I do with my videos after my trial is over?

After the trial you will still have access to your videos, and will be able to make edits. However, in order to publish the edits for your viewers to see, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Updated on: 03/01/2024

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