Articles on: Editing Videos

Using Grid View to make bulk edits

Common questions
How do I bulk edit colors in multiple scenes?
How do I change the colors in multiple scenes at once?
Can I edit multiple scenes or colors at once?
How do I bulk edit the font or text in multiple scenes?
How do I change the font or text in multiple scenes at once?
Can I change the font or text on all of the scenes?
Is there a way to bulk edit in Biteable?
How do I quickly update or bulk edit colors across multiple scenes?
What's the best way to edit multiple scenes together at the same time?

You Can Edit Multiple Scenes in Bulk

Editing multiple scenes at once saves time and keeps your video consistent. With Biteable's bulk editing feature combined with Grid View, you can quickly update fonts and colors across multiple scenes in just a few clicks without the need to edit each one individually. Here's how to do it.

Access Grid View

Access Grid View by clicking the Grid View icon. Most likely, you'll be in Slide view as shown below. Simply click the icon that has four small squares that are all the same size.

This screenshot shows the default Slide View, but you can toggle to Grid View by clicking the icon of the four small squares.

What Grid View looks like

Once you've clicked that icon, the view in Biteable will change to this.

This is what Grid View looks like in Biteable.

Select the Scenes You Wish to Update

Next, click once on the scenes that you wish to update. As you click on a scene, the colors will start to appear under the Bulk styling section.

You'll see three sub-sections, one for Text, one for Background colors, and one for Graphic colors. The Text section shows a font drop-down menu along with options to change the font color and the color of the ribbon that appears behind the text. The background is just that, the background of your scene. The colors that appear under Graphic colors are all of the colors in the graphic elements that are contained on that scene.

Click once to select a scene and see the colors that are editable. Click once again on the scene to de-select it.

Changing colors

Find the color under Background colors or Graphic colors and then click the color swatch. You'll see three sub-sections: Brand colors, Project colors, and Custom colors. Simply click the color you wish to use and that new color will be applied to your scene(s).

Pro Tip: It's easy to get confused between a Background color and a Graphic color, especially when you have multiple scenes selected. It may not be immediately obvious to you if a color on a scene is a background or a graphic element. The more you use Biteable, the more you'll learn this, but initially, if you pick a new color and an unexpected change happens on the scene or scenes, simply click the undo button on the toolbar and then you can try again.

Selecting a scene displays the available colors.

Selecting Multiple Scenes for a Bulk Edit

If you want to change the same color on multiple scenes, simply click on additional scenes and then change the color as described above.

Selecting multiple scenes.

Changing Text

To change the text and select a new font or adjust the color, click on the text drop-down menu and then select one of the available fonts from the list. Changing the color of the text or the text ribbon works the same way described above for changing background and graphic colors.

Changing text in the Grid View

Updated on: 13/03/2025

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