How to manage the privacy and visibility of links

Common Questions:

Are Biteable links private?
Are Biteable links indexed by search engines like Google?
Can anyone find my Biteable watch page?
Can I turn off or disable my video’s link or URL?
How do I unshare a video?

General Information

When you publish a video in Biteable and leave the “Link enabled” setting on, Biteable creates a unique URL for your video. This allows you to share the video with anyone you choose.

Are my published videos private?

All Biteable hosted video links are Unlisted. This means that they can only be accessed by those who you share the link with. Depending on who you share the link with or where you share the link, anyone with your unique URL can view your video on that page.

Users who do not have your link will not be able to find your video easily as your URL contains a unique 32-character string using a combination of letters and numbers.

Unlisted links do not show up in search results. We use the <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow"> value in the HTML code for the page. This is an industry standard setting to inform search engines to not index the content of the page so it does not appear in any search results.

If you would like to temporarily or permanently disable a video’s unique link/URL, you can easily disable it from the Publish page for your video.

From your Home dashboard, click “Edit” on the video you wish to manage
Click the Publish button
In the Project title settings box, click the toggle for the “Link enabled” setting to turn it off
Click “Disable” in the next dialog that appears

If you want to turn your video link back on, follow these steps.

From your Home dashboard, click “Edit” on the video you wish to manage
Click the Publish button
Click the toggle for the “Link disabled” setting to turn it back on

Updated on: 23/02/2024

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