Articles on: Recordings

Best practices for recording video

These are some best practices and advice for recording video to add into a Biteable project.

Common Questions:
Do you have best practices for recording video?

Your setup

Lighting: It's hard to fix bad lighting. Make sure you are in a well lit environment and that your face can easily be seen.
Noise: It's also hard to fix background noise. Try and ensure you are not in a noisy environment.

Your delivery

Audio: Speak loudly and clearly. It's easier to reduce volume than increase it (increasing too much hurts quality).
Angle: You typically don't want the camera below your face. Looking straight on or slightly up is often the best approach.

Using prompts and notes

These are opinions, so do what you feel comfortable with.
Trying to read prompt or notes and appear to be looking at the camera is pretty obvious, and typically reduces your natural emotion. Your audience will typically respond best to candid speaking. It's often better to just speak to the camera, and glance away at your notes when you need a prompt than to try and read notes. Eye contact is really powerful.
You don't have to get it perfect in one try.

Here are a few tips:

Record multiple shorter things. If you need to communicate 3 main points. Record 3 different clips.
Take some pauses between takes. You don't need to hit stop record after any screw up. Just pause and keep going, it's easy to clip and trim a video.

Updated on: 13/03/2025

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