Articles on: Legal + Copyright

Music copyright claims

Common Questions:

How do I manage a copyright claim?
How do I prove the rights to use music?

All music in the Biteable library is either licensed for customer and commercial use or custom created for our customers to use.

If you receive any copyright claims from Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, or other social sharing platforms, please reach out to our team for assistance.

Below is some information on copyright claims you can use in appeals to explain your rights to use the music included in our library.


Biteable has holds licenses through a variety of libraries and our customers are permitted to use these licenses when creating videos on Biteable and sharing them on other platforms for commercial or other purposes. Below are some of the sources of music. Please reach our to our support team if you need help finding the source of your music track.

Free PD

FreePD full index:

Music for Makers

Music for Makers:

Premium Beat

Premium Beat:


Here is some language you can use for an appeal

My video was flagged due to a suspected use of copyrighted music. However, this claim is invalid because I have rights to use the music from Biteable, where I created the video.

The music track in question was legally obtained from Biteable, a reputable service that provides licensed music for use in videos. According to the terms of service and licensing agreement with Biteable, I, as a customer, am fully authorized to use the provided music track in my video content. The specific track used in my video is licensed for such use, and I have complied with all terms and conditions set forth by Biteable.

I believe that the automated content identification system has incorrectly matched the music track in my video to another copyrighted song. To rectify this, I am providing the following details for your review:

• Uploaded Video: [Your Project or Link]
• Title of the Music Track Used: [Name of the Track from Biteable]
• Source of the Music Track: Biteable (
• Additional Information: [Depending on the track, we may be able to provide a link to the actual track purchased which likely differs from the one flagged]

I kindly request that you review this information and re-evaluate the copyright claim on my video. As this music track is properly licensed for use in my content, I respectfully ask that the restriction be lifted and the video be restored to its full functionality.

Updated on: 16/10/2024

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