Artículos sobre: Sharing and Saving Your Biteable Video

Enable or disable video comments

Make video collaboration and feedback a breeze with built-in commenting. You get control over which videos are open for comments — simply enable or disable commenting on your videos' publish and preview pages.

How to enable/disable comments

Turning commenting on and off is as easy as the click of a button.

Head to your video's publish page

Under the "share your video" section, use the comments toggle to turn commenting on or off

You can also delete comments directly from the publish page.

To share your video, make sure that both comments and your preview page share link are enabled. Click the "Copy link" button and share with your audience. They'll be able to leave timestamped comments beneath your video.

Is commenting automatically enabled?

Going forward, all newly rendered videos will have comments automatically enabled. If you don't want comments on a specific video, simply switch the comment toggle to disabled.

Who can see my video comments?

All visitors can see comments on your video preview page. We'll ask for their name and email address so you know who's commenting.

Publish page comments are also available with your teammates on a Premium plan. Use this space to leave feedback and suggestions on a video before it's public.

If you have any questions, we're here to help. Reach out to our friendly support team and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Actualizado el: 10/10/2024

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